edmund's blog

milk + cornflakes = breakfast

Saturday, June 14, 2008

really the last post. hahaha.

ok. it's pretty amusing. met up with ceyao for mc breakfast this morning and chatted before i enter this monday. after that, we came to a bookshop and he was amused by some 8 year old 20c machine that shoots ping pong balls. but this is not the main thing.

i saw jamie.

or rather, she saw me first and she went, "hi, edmund." and stopped infront of me. i was like 'hi' and brain was like 'who is she?'

well, nice seeing her around.

why does ceyao have to play the ping pong thing?!

Monday, June 9, 2008

closing down...

i'll be closing down this blog soon. getting alittle tired of it and after heading to ns, i wont have the time to blog.

just wanna thank all of you who came in here to read my rants and stuff, and i hope that you kinda gained something.

God bless ya.


Friday, June 6, 2008

one more week...

darren and binny went in already. then my cousin and lastly, me.

it's goodbye to alot of people as i plan to not see you people again, not that i'm cruel, but it's just the truth. a different phase of life change the people around us. there are ppl we keep, and people we lose. ok, i'm usually pretty optimistic about things but when it comes to the truth, i have to face it. isn't it too early? that's the sad part, kinda started worrying.

i've liked a girl for quite some time, and it's goodbye to this thought, i've got to move on. some friends i will keep, either i bother to keep or they bother to keep me. haha, usually only guys bother to keep me, i'm a sad man, should be gay eh.

1 more week to ns, i'm looking forward to it. just have to give up alot of things. sigh.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

graduation dinner

went for the grad dinner last night and it was pretty good, i think. there's so many glamourous women. wow... it's sad to see them go. as usual, most of the engineering side are made up with guys, so girls was a small portion of our half. however, the other half was packed with beauties. i was kinda mesmerised by a girl. i keep looking at her and didn't tell anyone about it. she's so pretty. but in a paul's point of view, maybe she's not. so why did edmund think she's pretty? SHE LOOKS LIKE MIKA NAKAMURA! super pretty...

after the dinner, alan, guan zhao, henry and i decided to just go and chill, since it's our last meeting and will be nice to just have a chat and stuff. walked to clark quay and coincidentally met up with another group of buddies, yao boon, wei jin, ruo ying, alvin, roger and emily. so we went to a bar to chill. 10 of us "uncorked" a bottle of chivas and spent the night away dancing and mixing around with some Caucasians. it's pretty fun dancing, just dancing randomly with the music and the alcohol swaying the head off. there's this german, he's crazy man. his drive for women is there man. we danced till Forbidden City closes, which is 3++am, and the 2 germans wants more. like i said, they desire the "peak of the everest", so we brought them to MOS to party. after bringing them there, we bid our goodbyes and went off home.

reached home at 4.20am, and woke up occasionally to puke. i guess i drank too much, hahaha. i puked part of my dinner, and then the orange juice that came with the dinner, twice. i guess the cataract for this 'pukage' is the alcohol. but it's cool, i'm feeling better now. got up at 1.20pm, that's how much i slept, haha.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

graduation day...

this is the day where all of us are waiting for. well, not everyone, but we still do know that we have to end this phase of life at some point. even though tears are not seen on stage or anywhere around the convention centre, i'm pretty sure that some of us do know that we may not be seeing each other again. there is a mixture of sadness and, of course, gladness. having spent 3 wonderful years in this school and it is indeed the best times in my life, for now.

i put on my gown and went to my seat. slowly, memories start to melt into my conscience and pretty much made a clear image of the past. sweet memories, some call them. i giggled at myself, not knowing there's so many people in my course, as i start to remember my first crush in poly when i saw her walk up the stage to collect her diploma.

the graduation procession ended and i headed back to my ex-classroom. the nostalgic space that surrounds me churns out an appreciation for the lecturers who nurtured me till the end of my diploma course. and of coz, not forgetting the 2 TSOs who assisted my group's struggle in our project work. both of them are like friends than just academic staff.

went out with jay and kinet for dinner in town and kinda made jay emo. ha. ended the day with a freaking long train ride, accompanying kinet to sembawang thn to jurong east. in the train, we were flipping through the ece mag, and we kinda picked the pretty girls and i told them about my first crush. while looking into the picture with all the ece academic staff, i start to recall my lecturers from year 1 and 2. these memories are pretty faint and i'm sure i can't remember some of their names clearly too, but i do remember what they did and i will always give thanks to their efforts.

I would like to thank my peers for this exciting and fun journey in NP and my parents who have been supporting me. Thank God for all the encouragement, wisdom, support and courage. I love you girls/guys.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

2nd weird dream...

took a nap at 4pm and i still managed to dream. curry chicken and a huge flood that managed to cover the roads. thn going to japan with my grandma. and i woke up. lol. weird.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

morning blues...

went into ivy's blog, and got freaked out. not coz her blog's graphics are to horror like, but the music just shook my quiet being. it's like some chanting and i was thinking, "what! ghost?! where?! where's the chanting?!"

being the morning, i looked around my desk and found out it's ivy's blog. arh...

today on ST Home, Msia is banning foreign cars to fill their petrol tanks in kiosks that are within a 50km radius relative to the Sg-Msia border. on the surface, it's pretty bad for the sg cars coz malaysia's petrol is so much cheaper and the ban kinda shut the tap of an essential source for petrol towards them. reason for the ban, they don't wanna share the RM 40 billion subsidy on petrol to foreign cars. i thought, "well, it's pretty reasonable. since it's your money, you can do anything with in." however, the kiosks owners cried out. being up to 90% of their business, especially the kiosks that substantially near for sg cars to enter msia and top-up, depended on sg cars. well, save the money for locals, but locals lost business. haha. nice move.