milk + cornflakes = breakfast

Thursday, August 30, 2007

come to talk

i was thinking, if you're in a situation where it's going to be edging your gut tolerance level, what will you do? haha. 2 years back, i'm a game planner for scc camp, totally freaked myself out during the nightwalk. mandy and i with a couple of incense, mandy's amulet and a candle, going through the nightwalk route. only the 2 of us were walking through and even before we took a step into the corridor, which we expect it to be lighted up at that time but it wasn't.

this time, i'm under johnny's guidance. haha. at first, i was just suggesting to him my idea coz i thought that just nightwalking is pretty boring, and now, i'm one of the station masters and making ideas for the nightwalk. one thing to the making of a good nightwalk is to be the participant spiritually while you plan, knowing what to use to scare and what are the potential loophole during worst comes to worst situations, like missing participant. haha. so, the discussion actually kind shrunk my balls abit before heading home with zhi wei on the bus and yunyun with me on the train.

yunyun managed to talk me out for walking her home, so i'm pretty guilty and worried when my train stop arrives. well, she's still alive at home, so i'm in peace now. haha. sweet dreams my friends.

more jamming coming up, screw sdar for pushing jamming times from 5 onwards, thanks qiang and yunyun for this info. i made 2 enemies, sdar and odex. it's pretty childish to do that, but well, bo bian.

1 comment:

mandy said...

i miss planning nightwalks man...planning the route..all the scare the comfort of the unknown...with endless possibilities..thanks for the memories..