milk + cornflakes = breakfast

Sunday, December 30, 2007


great... some minor screw ups but the outcome is GREAT! the band is GREAT! the crowd isn't that bad, but could be better, blame on the publicity. hahaha.

it's great, i get to talk to more ppl. i'm like the scary dude in scc and i dun like to consider myself in there, unless it's the perks or something. haha. get to talk to alot of ppl other then the usual YAKUZA SOUR. but can say they like dun like me like that leh. sad sia. i'm too fierce i guess. haha. got to talk to qiuyun and ivy more, at least they are friendlier, thanks for the nail polish and assistance in my nail, gorgeous ladies.

great. so now wat? more songs? YEAH! i'm still pretty nooby but i'll keep writing and writing till it stands out. i may even write chinese! HMM!


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