milk + cornflakes = breakfast

Monday, January 21, 2008

dear wrists...

i'm getting funny reactions with my hands these days. my pinky can jerk by itself and start wriggling, like parkinsons. they call it rest tremours. i couldn't stop them, and that's freaky.

once in a while, her face reappears, i was pretty agitated and i actually planned and rehearsed the scene last night in my brain before sleeping. it goes like, this is super amusing...

"hey, err... i got something to say"

most likely she will go "WHAT!"

"i like you"

that's it, i'll just stop there and stare at her. i guess she'll go, "i know..."

"yeah... sigh..."

probably have some minutes of silence.

"it's impossible rite?"

"yeah... sorry..."

then i'll feel better and just forget about her, and continue life... at least i tried. but that's just rehearsal, what about the real thing?! arh! i'm so shy.

arh, itchy ears. arh.

WAIT! something wrong! the starting will be like

"eh "


yeah... i think it's this way. sometimes it's even more amusing...



hahaha. i'm crazy. but it's amusing. sometimes i just stare at her...

*stare at *


it's getting out of hand.

let me try to remember mandy's lyrics...

baby i'm crazy
reaching out for emptiness
holding on to fantacy
i'm missing someone out there

like that rite? i forgot. i dun remember lyrics well.

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