milk + cornflakes = breakfast

Friday, January 11, 2008


yes, EDvance. it starts off with part of my name, kinda sounds like it's my thing ya know, but it's not really related to me. ha. it's education rather thn edomondo.

didnt really work much yesterday after paul and amri manage to pull me back to school to listen a talk about education. so in the morning at approx 8am, i registered for the nus, sim and ntu talk. well, i'm not really keen of going to sim, but it's sandwiched between both nus and ntu. i'm not that keen of going to ntu either, even though statistically the graduates over at ntu yield higher pay than the nus grads.

well, the 3 of us hit school at 10.15am. took a trip down to the convention centre and here comes the id10t, haha, not really an id10t but just a odd ball, teck yang. he registered for the ntu talk about computing technology, can see that he's on 'NTU FTW!' dope, in the morning session but since he saw us, he joined us in the nus. well, the prof is pretty much prof like, in his 50s and 75% bald with a shine on his head and had very thin hair, and does protrays like he's from engineering, well i can quite confidently say that i can see which lecturer is from engineering and which is not. i'm guessing that he's from either electrical or mechanical, he don't look like someone from the chemical nor any life science engineering. i might be wrong though, but just a guess. his talk was informative, kinda shattered by resolution of going into NUS EE, looking that the choice i'm given. well, it didn't happen, not every path is smooth sailing, after showing the pool of courses i can take with my dip. only EE and CE, well, EE for me. i might be going into microE, really wanna touch on optoelectronics, but well, it's in microE, so i need to go into microE. unless i do power! but not really interested in huge and big things, i love delicate things. after that an ex-np and undergrad in nus did a pretty well scripted speech, but very stiff kinda feeling. we retreated for our lunch.

went for lunch and saw kinet. haha. saw in on wed in scc, saw in on thurs in canteen. well, he's pretty bz with jay projecting for their review next week. haha. so we've missed a performance on sunday as well, back to sunday duty, edmund. have a pretty good lunch at canteen 2 and head back to convention centre.

ntu, i must say, is much more well prepared, for the prof that is. but it's not as informative and he didnt really nail the important facts down, rather, he marketed ntu. his empasis, tuition fees and ntu grad gets higher pay. -.- xi yue's bro went on stage as the undergrad speaker for ntu, but he kinda failed. he wasn't spot on and circled around aimlessly. instead of marketing or sharing his experience in ntu, he stood for the PASSION! 'huh?', i went.

well, till now, my desire and aim is still the same, NUS EE. however, i'm still gonna honour God's decision. i'm prepared for it. well, except for not prepared for turning 20 this year. if qiu yun can do it, so can i. i'll laugh at her if she turns *0.

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