milk + cornflakes = breakfast

Friday, June 6, 2008

one more week...

darren and binny went in already. then my cousin and lastly, me.

it's goodbye to alot of people as i plan to not see you people again, not that i'm cruel, but it's just the truth. a different phase of life change the people around us. there are ppl we keep, and people we lose. ok, i'm usually pretty optimistic about things but when it comes to the truth, i have to face it. isn't it too early? that's the sad part, kinda started worrying.

i've liked a girl for quite some time, and it's goodbye to this thought, i've got to move on. some friends i will keep, either i bother to keep or they bother to keep me. haha, usually only guys bother to keep me, i'm a sad man, should be gay eh.

1 more week to ns, i'm looking forward to it. just have to give up alot of things. sigh.

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