milk + cornflakes = breakfast

Sunday, May 20, 2007

band name

sean seems to be quite busy nowadays so i think the band kinda put to a halt. so, i've formed a new band. haha. really new band. drummer just learnt HER drums last year and bassist just learnt bass this year. so it's very new and all of us are very inexperienced. even though i dont think this is a business thing, i hope we can really improve as a band. play simple and improve in dynamics, techniques and theories. it's pretty much an improvement programme. still searching for a band name as usual. haha. was thinking of calling it lingerie talkshow, but it's pretty obscene, so scrapped it. haha.

went to church today as usual, same row of seat and head to taman for lunch. finished gun x sword at kian's, pretty nice anime. haha. thn home now.

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