milk + cornflakes = breakfast

Saturday, December 1, 2007

fragile with the right hand lady.

for once, i saw 2 english songs on the top of the mp chart in the overall section. for once, i'm delighted that someone out there is enjoying my songs more thn the other chinese songs. well, who's john papa? hahaha. if you are in the blog, i'll reveal it to you.

it's me.

put it this way. john('s) papa. haha. me. i'm gonna name my son john whn i have one. humble man in the Lord. well, i do hope that he does not have a broken 5 year relationship though. haha.

i think what my band members should learn is to keep calm and enjoy themselves. every song has a life to live, i guess, and it's up to the members to bring it out. i'm pretty tired of hearing, "oh, i screwed up in the song..." or "shit man, i shouldn't have done that" or even "i'm not in the mood to do it and i think i'll be shitty today". hey man, this is a performance and the song reflects on you. what if one day you perform for some big star as a sessionist for jay chou and thn so happen you are not in the mood or screw up? professionalism, we need to strive for it. even though our technicalities are very shallow, we still have to work on it and put in effort to show it to the crowd. set recovery, knowing how to come back and notice your wrong so as not to bring the set down. practice.

really proud of my band members. gotta work hard and i'm gotta push you guys harder.

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